Bella said:
Before my first rewind session I had a lot of anxiety and guilt about my the birth of my little boy over a year ago now. I felt like I had let him down and anytime I remembered it I physically felt heavy about how it had played out. I felt like I had missed that beautiful 'mummy' moment that everybody talks about where you look at your baby and think wow this beautiful creature is mine.
I wasn't convinced that the rewind would do a lot to help me, but even in the session I could feel my perspective on the birth change. When I look back on my sons' birth now I feel lighter. I don't see the the unplanned aspects as failures, just part of his beautiful birth story, even the language I used to talk about it has changed. I can see all the lovely moments that were previously lost and I found my 'mummy' moment.
It has allowed me to feel relaxed and calm about the birth of my second baby, believing that however his story turns out it will be beautiful and exactly how it needs to be. 2017